You’re a Good Mom

The judgement on motherhood amazes me. The more amazing thing about it is this judgement is often from other mothers.

You can work and be a good mom.

You can own a business and be a good mom.

You can farm or ranch and be a good mom.

You can have a hobby and be a good mom.

You can spend time on the you and be a good mom.

You can, on occasion, lose your shit and be a good mom.

You can love endless cuddles and be a good mom.

You can despise cooking dinner every night and be a good mom.

You can chase your dreams and be a good mom.

Being a good mom has to deal with love, comfort and support. There is no magical thing that shuts off motherhood because you choose to still have your own identity once you have children. Often times I think it makes us better.

Be you. Chase dreams the dreams you had as a girl. Because there’s probably some girls (and/or boys) watching you!

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