$3 Moisturizer

I use a $3 moisturizer and I’m not afraid to admit it. If we’re being honest it’s $3 and some change. It works. It’s reliable. It’s economical to go thru tubs of the stuff in the winter.

Now when one buys a $3 moisturizer there is little glitz or glamor involved. It comes in a white tub with some pretty generic lettering.

When you’re one of the cheapest moisturizers at the box store you don’t really garner a great shelf space to call your own. I hope you’re still limber because these containers are stocked on the bottom shelf.

Here’s my take away from a tub of moisturizer:

You don’t have to be glitzy, glamorous or over the top to get people to notice you. I first saw this lotion as part of my own moms routine when I was in high school many moons ago. People buy it. The brand has staying power. Even if you aren’t flashy, people will notice your good qualities.

There’s nothing wrong with a modest living. This little tub doesn’t boast about its popularity.

Reliability is an unsung virtue. I seriously doubt the formula has change over the years. It still smells and feels the same. People like the consistency.

People will like you if you aren’t flashy. People will admire you for being a constant in their life. Money and success is great, but people want to know you for more than that.

Oh and the best part I forgot to add? For $3.97 your get 2 tubs… not just one!

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